Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre: Friday, October 11
Kol Nidre Worship Service

What: Worship service asking God to receive us on this sacred day of Yom Kippur, led by Temple Beth Or’s Rabbi Lucy Dinner and Zemer Lexie Nuell.
When: 7:00PM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12
Inter-faith Food Shuttle
What: For 33 years, TBO has supported the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle with the Yom Kippur Food Drive. We will be collecting bags of non-perishable food. If you cannot come by the Temple, please donate to the Food Shuttle and designate it "Yom Kippur Food Drive".
When: All day
Where: At the Inter-faith Food Shuttle Truck parked near the Sanctuary Door
Yom Kippur Service

What:What: This is the traditional Yom Kippur morning service led by Rabbi Dinner and Zemer Lexie Nuell.
When: 9:00 AM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Holiday Activities for PreK-5th
What: This time will be filled with various Yom Kippur themed activities for kids K-5th to enjoy while older family members are attending regular services. Program is organized by TBO Religious School staff.
When: 8:45 AM - 11:00 AM (Drop off is 8:30 AM)
Where: In Person (Various classrooms & TBOP)
Teen-Led Yom Kippur Service
What: This is a Teen-Led, shortened Yom Kippur service open to all.
When: 11:30 AM
Where: In Person, Satisky Hall
Mazel Tots Sing-a-long Service 
What: Yom Kippur Themed Sing-a-long
When: 11:30 AM
Where: In Person, Sanctuary
Yom Kippur Study Session
Who: Rabbi Alan Tuffs
What: "How to Know a Person" with focus on David Brooks' book and Theologian Rabbi Martin Buber
When: 11:30 AM
Where: In Person, Assembly Room
Yom Kippur Afternoon
Yom Kippur Walking Playlist with thoughts for the Holy Day
What: Curated by Zemer Lexie, this hour of music was selected to creatively represent the liturgy of our holiday worship service. Some melodies mirror what you would hear at TBO, some have been chosen as a representation of an individual prayer's theme.
Yom Kippur Yoga
What: Relax and Reflect with a yoga session lead by Susan Kilmon. PLEASE bring a yoga mat or towel. All levels welcome, beginner friendly.
When: 1:00 PM
Where: In Person, Room 4
Yom Kippur Teen Reflection
What: A deep reflection and text study with Hannah Demick, open to all 9-12th graders. Topic: Embracing Your Judaism in Today's World"
When: 12:45 PM
Where: In Person (Assembly Room)
Yom Kippur Panel Session
What: Anti-Semitism on College Campuses
When: 2:00 PM
Where: In Person (Assembly Room)
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service

What: Rabbi Dinner and Zemer Lexie will lead us in a Torah Service.
When: 3:15 PM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Yizkor (Memorial Service) & Neilah (Concluding Service)

What: Then we remember our loved ones and conclude Yom Kippur services.
When: 5:00 PM
Where: In Person and Streaming
Yom Kippur Break Fast
What: Break the fast with your TBO Community
When: Following Services
Where: In Person (Social Hall)
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